Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's been a while

So here's a poem... 

Recovery Through Raindrops


I hadn’t smiled in a while

only smiled with you…

always wanted to be with you—

I dreamed of you.

Never held a hand like I held yours,

it felt so different, warmer and softer.

When I held you at night

things felt right—

I’d never slept that well before.

I loved waking up with you in my arms

like it was natural, you were put there for me, finally.


The greatness of the oceans, the beauty of the sea, the perfection of the weathered sands, and the miracle of you and me.


I can somehow breathe again with tranquility of raindrops

the mellowness caresses my shoulders, brings me home.

Yet every night brings nightmares that always make my heart stop—

they plague me with the feeling that I’ll always be alone.


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